Friday, January 18, 2008

Entry No. 6

i am gonna start a new title series soon, the "entry no." deal is getting on my nerves. but i am one of those weird people that has to keep things in an order or something. i don't know how to explain it. i also have other weird quirks. i will enlighten you to a few...i have to clean things a certain way, and load the dishwasher in a certain way; i have to have the blankets perfectly even on all four sides of the bed when i go to bed; things have to be centered or balanced or straight; and tables have to be certain shapes...if they are this weird awkward drives me crazy.

ok, so my intentions of this post were not to list my ocd issues or weird quirks, but in fact create my "bucket list" or my list of things i wanna do before i get old so i can share all these crazy stories to my grandkids. you might be thinking "what the hell"...but last night i had a very exciting and enlightening conversation with a group of people about what we want to do that is crazy so we can tell our grandkids about it. does that make sense? (i believe that was a run on sentence but whatever). now we were all talking and we came up with some pretty good ones, and some pretty crazy ones. here is the list so far:
  • travel the world
  • go backpacking all over europe
  • go on a safari (and see the lions....yesssssss)
  • go to the arctic then go to the antarctic (there be penguins there =))
  • air gliding
  • skydiving (oh yes, after the air gliding we will see how that goes first)
  • road trip the USA and hit every state and their highlight
  • go to the equator
  • go to the amazon jungle
  • go to egypt and see the pyramids and the nile river
  • go to israel and see all the ancient ruins
that's just a start, but now it has got me thinking and i will be putting together a list and see how i can go about accomplishing these things. yessssssss.

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