let's see. it's been a month since i last wrote something. lot's of thing have happened in that past month. i find it amazing how fast time slips by. makes me work harder at valuing each moment that passes by. as for what has gone on in the past 30 some says....
for starters, i have a new job, still with the same organization. i am still doing what i did before, just at a different home and i have additional responsibilities. my job is providing direct care and support, along with some assistance in administrative responsibilities. i will admit it was hard leaving the clients i was working with before, i spent a good 13 months working with those individuals and definitely built some attachment to them, but change is good. as hard and sad it was leaving that home, it was needed. i needed to be challenged and a new scene. getting to work with different individuals is always a good learning experience. i am enjoying the home, environment, individuals i serve, and the team i am working with. so far...good.
so, there are many boxes in our house right now. that is because my parents were able to go back to california and retrieve most of our belongings out of storage and bring it back home so we could once again use and enjoy it's presence. they were not able to get everything, unfortunately, due to weather and moisture that got into the storage container, but a lot made it back with them and will be used again. it is a big job, though. a lot of painting, repair, and unpacking to do.
being that we have gotten a lot of our stuff back from california, it has forced me to go through my stuff that i had been using and go through stuff that came from california and decide what i want to keep, and what i want to get rid of. i am currently taking apart my room to reevaluate how i want it to look and how to put it together. i have strong urge to paint some items too. we will see how this ends up.
as for other things....i have collected 2 more old cameras that i am having a blast shooting with. along with that, i am exploring more films, and have a current obsession with slides. just beautiful.
a few weekends ago took part in the fort collins tour de fat and had a blast. definitely will do it again next year. other than that, just enjoying each moment that arrives. a lot of fun things to do around here and i love discovering them as they pop up. enjoyed good hawaiian food a couple nights ago in windsor and have plans to head up to estes and into rocky mountain national park tomorrow (it's free day, if anyone is interested). i will take my camera and shoot as many pics as possible. capturing moments.
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