Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wake Me Up

Sometimes I feel inadequate. Actually, a lot of the times. Not just in one area of my life, but in everything I do. Whether it be with my family and friends, or work (and definitely when i was in school), or even in my own activities and hobbies, I grade myself with grading scale harsher than any other scale. I find myself doing this a lot, especially this past week.

I try to remind myself that it is all a learning experience. It is a day by day process that never ends. It is about the road and not the destination. I find myself all too often thinking about what I need to be or should be doing in so many months/years, and reminding myself of the what I could be doing of could have been only if I had done this or that. Its such a trap when one starts thinking that way. Then I loose focus find myself all over the place.

If I could sum up this past year....I would say it was a year of learning patience and appreciation. I need to be patient...with myself and appreciate the road that I am on. To enjoy the day to day experiences this path will give me. But to also learn, when I have made mistakes, and move on. Not to dwell on the what could have been or what I should have become, but to just

Last week I spent a day in the park and downtown taking pictures of the trees and their autumn leaves. I took pictures of the quiet neighborhood I walked around. But interestingly enough, the part about that day that I remember the most was not the pictures I took but the 83 year old lady named Ann that I ran into. She approached me saying how she daily plays Russian Roulette with the drivers that whiz past her on the streets and so far she has won, but one these days she won't. She then proceeded to tell me about how she loves her walks around the neighborhood and to the park and especially on days like the one we were out on. She asked me about the pictures I was taking....if they were for a class, or if it was my profession. I told her no, I take pictures because I love doing it. She wanted to know about me, if I was going to school, where I went to school, where I worked, what kind of work I do. She told me about her family, and about how her granddaughter was getting married that weekend in Iowa, and how she was sad she could not be there for the ceremony and celebration. She also told me about her adventures she had been on with her granddaughter in California and how her granddaughter wants to be a nurse. She then completed the conversation by saying how much he loved my naturally golden colored hair. I didn't have the heart to break her heart that it was indeed dyed. Then we parted and went our own ways. It was an interesting encounter yet wonderful at the same time. It made me think, a lot.

Anyways, it is the weekend. "Summer has come and passed"...and next week is November. Wow, another year has flown instead of thinking about what could have been or what I should have been doing in this past year of my life, I am going to try and just happy that I had this year and look forward to the next.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

fall crunch

just wanted to say....i love the sound of crunching leaves under my feet when i walk. makes me so happy. just thought i would share that.

Friday, September 24, 2010

let's see. it's been a month since i last wrote something. lot's of thing have happened in that past month. i find it amazing how fast time slips by. makes me work harder at valuing each moment that passes by. as for what has gone on in the past 30 some says....

for starters, i have a new job, still with the same organization. i am still doing what i did before, just at a different home and i have additional responsibilities. my job is providing direct care and support, along with some assistance in administrative responsibilities. i will admit it was hard leaving the clients i was working with before, i spent a good 13 months working with those individuals and definitely built some attachment to them, but change is good. as hard and sad it was leaving that home, it was needed. i needed to be challenged and a new scene. getting to work with different individuals is always a good learning experience. i am enjoying the home, environment, individuals i serve, and the team i am working with. so far...good.

so, there are many boxes in our house right now. that is because my parents were able to go back to california and retrieve most of our belongings out of storage and bring it back home so we could once again use and enjoy it's presence. they were not able to get everything, unfortunately, due to weather and moisture that got into the storage container, but a lot made it back with them and will be used again. it is a big job, though. a lot of painting, repair, and unpacking to do.

being that we have gotten a lot of our stuff back from california, it has forced me to go through my stuff that i had been using and go through stuff that came from california and decide what i want to keep, and what i want to get rid of. i am currently taking apart my room to reevaluate how i want it to look and how to put it together. i have strong urge to paint some items too. we will see how this ends up.

as for other things....i have collected 2 more old cameras that i am having a blast shooting with. along with that, i am exploring more films, and have a current obsession with slides. just beautiful.

a few weekends ago took part in the fort collins tour de fat and had a blast. definitely will do it again next year. other than that, just enjoying each moment that arrives. a lot of fun things to do around here and i love discovering them as they pop up. enjoyed good hawaiian food a couple nights ago in windsor and have plans to head up to estes and into rocky mountain national park tomorrow (it's free day, if anyone is interested). i will take my camera and shoot as many pics as possible. capturing moments.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

favorite things

ten reasons why i love colorado...

--afternoon thunderstorms
--aspen leaves rustling in the wind
--cool crisp mountain air
--natural beauty
--the rocky mountains
--blue skies
--sunsets on the lakes
--beautiful seasons
--wild flowers growing everywhere
--the endless list of activities and adventures

anyways...exciting things coming up. new job position at work, starting in september. close friends visiting in october. yeah, i am happy.

taken in estes park.
afternoon storm rolling in
august 15th, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

oh monday. anyways, had a wonderful weekend with family. celebrated my dad's and niece's birthdays. celebrated my mom and dad's and aunt and uncle's anniversary. had family from out of twon with us. went to estes park, watched a sunset at lake loveland, took pictures, and ate good bbq and ice cream. great weekend.

now it is monday. i have my one year evaluation today.

here's an image from the weekend.

have a great week.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

this post is about nothing really. just felt like posting something.

family is in town. that is fun. maybe go up to estes park tomorrow.

i want to go to summit county this weekend, or the next. take some pictures. enjoy the mountains in the summer.

friends may come visit early part of this fall. that makes me happy.

i want to go camping. in the mountains.

took my cats to the vet the other day. they were very unhappy about that.

paying student loans sucks.

have to work tonight.

very tired.

that's all.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

the perfect balance

i find it interesting, how quickly time goes by. the days are becoming like the wink of an eye. the weeks are zipping by without a pause for breath. and the months....they are just flying by. it's already the first of august, yet, i feel like summer is just beginning.

at the beginning of the year i had a list things i wanted to do and accomplish. some i did, most i didn't. don't get me wrong, i am happy for things i did and accomplished and i cherish each moment of those things, yet i have a mingling sense of failure that i seem to not be able to shake. why is that? i do not know, but it is still attached to me. maybe because i am a perfectionist and i have to accomplish everything i put my mind to, and when my expectations aren't met, i blame myself.

don't get me wrong, when i say i am happy, i truly am. i finding more and more things that put a smile on my face and i love it. but i cannot help but think of the things 'that could have been', or the 'would ifs', or the 'maybe if i had just tried harder', and finally the most evil of them all...'why me/not me'. but i must admit now that i am stuck in a rut right now. i LOVE my family, LOVE my friends, even love my job....yet.....

i will figure it out soon, the perfect balance of contentment and yearning. and i can get my leaning soul into a more balanced state. i don't know how to put it in words. shoot, i don't even know the prescription, but somehow it will come into existence. i probably won't even notice the development or process of it considering the days have become like the blink of an eye. check back in another 4 months and maybe i will be standing straight. or sooner.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

umm update.

umm wind....lots of wind.

umm allergies....lots of allergies.

umm laundry....mountains of laundry.

umm sleep last night.

umm work....lots of work lately.

umm pandora....loving pandora.

umm film....obsessing over and purchasing tons of film.

umm traveling....lots of traveling lately (march: LA, april: NYC, may: Wisconsin and Chicago, june: LA).

umm being lazy....spending time off from work watching old tv favorites. (reruns of boy meets world and friends).

hmmm....what else??? i think that pretty much sums up the past month.

Monday, April 19, 2010

why are things weird on here???

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

understanding quality

after my incredibly enjoyable trips to LA and NYC, i am dying to spend more time behind my lens. that being said, i have been studying up on 35mm professional film manuals and reviews. i never really paid much attention to the quality of the film i would select, just opting for the cheapest, yet fully understanding what the consequences would be....and many of my pictures reflect that. i always had a basic understanding of different films and different film speeds, but like i said, i would always opt for the cheapest options.

i really want to take more quality pictures and enjoy them afterwards. i am understanding more and more. (too bad all of it is ridiculously expensive...)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i should update this more often. i promise....i will get better. =P